According to many reports and rumours this season, FC Pune City’s future is uncertain. While some report said that the Pune based club will merge with Mumbai City FC, other report said that the franchise will change its base city, some reports even said that FC Pune City will shut the franchise due to big losses the management is suffering from. However there was no official hints or statement from the management to back up these claims. Amid such uncertainty, Yesterday Goal India published a report that FC Pune City will release all their main team player before Super Cup and they will field a developmental team.
The report created quite a buzz among Indian Football circle, it made people to believe that the rumours were true and it’s a sign the FC Pune City is actually shutting the franchise.
However, last night, rejecting all the claims, FC Pune City Social Media handles on all the platform made a statement saying that “This is to clarify that FC Pune City is not releasing any of it’s signed players and we shall be participating in the upcoming Hero Super Cup“.
This statement makes it clear that FC Pune City has no intention shut the franchise this soon and will compete in the upcoming Super Cup. It will be interesting to see which direction the club will go in the long run.