Learn to design football kits without Photoshop. Check out ISL concept kits as well.


I am not a good editor, infact I don’t even know the A B C D of Photoshop. When I see football clubs call out the fans to design kits for them, many ideas pops out in my mind. But due to editing limitation, I could never give those ideas a reality. Sometimes, I want to design concept kit for my favourite club, but I don’t because of the same reason. Hence, I decided to learn designing and editing. But Photoshop was never my cup of tea and I failed miserably. My laziness and costly kit templates in Photoshop didn’t help either. I am sure, I am not the only one who faces this problems.

Thus I started to look out for other platforms. That’s when I came across this website https://emusportswear.com.au/pages/kitbuilder#/ It’s a website where you can design your own kit and order them. Here I will guide you to design your concept kit using that website First Open this link in your PC or in mobile (desktop mode). Click on Team kits.

Learn to design football kits without Photoshop. Check out ISL concept kits as well. IMG 20200414 161744

a menu with different sports will emerge. Click on football (or alternatively others sports, where the kits are similar with football).

Learn to design football kits without Photoshop. Check out ISL concept kits as well. IMG 20200414 145611

After opening the sports section, another page with different types of kits like club jersey, T shirt, polo etc will emerge, click on club jersey. I will guide this process by designing a concept kit for Indian National Team.

when different types of design will come up in the next page, chose the design you like most. Here it’s important to note that your favourite design may be present in jersey section of another page. For example, handball section has some cool designs to chose from. For India, I have chosen the design name ‘devils’.

The next page provides a great liberty to design the kit with different colour options. Here we can upload the club/national team logo, and brand logo of the sponsor. I suggest to download the PNG format of those logo from Google image. Now experiment with different design and colours until it fits your idea.

Once your design satisfy you take a screenshot. Go to handball section and start designing club shorts ( in football section, there is not much alternatives). Follow the same steps as followed in the jersey.

Learn to design football kits without Photoshop. Check out ISL concept kits as well. IMG 20200414 161403

Go to the football section again and design stock long socks. Keep a screenshot of this as well.

Now since we have designed all jersey, shorts and socks. We now have to put them together. This feature is not available on that website. Download a mobile photo editing app preferably PixelLab and use the screenshots to put the designs together. This might need a little practice. But it’s lot easier than using Photoshop.

In the final design I have put some extra element like the front jersey number using PixelLab only.

Using the same procedures, I have designed concept kit for all ISL clubs including the merged AtK-Mohun Bagan and possible new entry East Bengal FC. Lets give them a look in the next page.